Common symptoms

The main symptoms of Covid-19 are now very commonly known, the dry cough, high temperature and the loss of smell or taste which may last a couple of weeks. For most people, these symptoms are perfectly manageable, subside quickly and they are able to continue with their lives. Unfortunately, there are others who experience more long term, debilitating symptoms following the initial infection (often after two weeks) which is having a significant detrimental impact on their lives. This is called ‘Long Covid’ and there are an increasing number of people suffering from it.

Experts believe that, in some people, the symptoms of Long Covid could be the result of damage to organs, the nervous system and the immune system caused by the initial virus.

The list of possible symptoms associated with Long Covid is long. Some of the most common symptoms are extreme fatigue, joint issues, cognitive difficulties, anxiety, depression, diarrhea and headaches. Whilst the experience of Long Covid can differ significantly from one person to the next, extreme fatigue is a very commonly reported symptom.

Long Covid has also been shown to cause heart problems, such as irregular heartbeat and chest pain as well as lung problems such as shortness of breath.

Cognitive issues such as memory loss and difficulty concentrating are also common and very frustrating for Long Covid sufferers.

Dealing with such a wide variety of debilitating symptoms may also have a negative impact on mental health leading to anxiety, depression and increased stress.

Long covid symptoms

If you have had coronavirus, you may find that you have continuing symptoms that last for weeks or months. These can include:

Other common long covid symptoms can include:

What can I do if I have lots of different symptoms?

Long covid can affect your whole body and you may experience lots of different symptoms, either at once or at different times. If you’re experiencing lots of different symptoms, the first thing you should do is speak to your gp. They will first try to find out if there are any other possible causes of your symptoms. Your GP will talk to you about the care and support you might need, including advice on how to manage your symptoms at home. If your symptoms are having a big impact on your life, they may refer you to a specialist that can help with the specific symptoms you have. Examples include a physiotherapist, a dietitian, or an occupational therapist.

The information on this site deals with problems related to your lungs, such as:

Your covid recovery
We have launched a rehabilitation platform designed to support your physical and emotional recovery if you have ongoing covid-19 symptoms. You need to get a referral from a health care professional to access this programme.

Through your covid recovery, you can get advice and support from various healthcare professionals on your mental health, physical activity, managing your symptoms and diet. You’ll also be able to track your symptoms and set your own goals.


You should contact your GP if you get new symptoms, such as:

It is especially important that you seek help if you have:

these could potentially be serious, so it’s important that you get help as soon as possible. If you have another medical condition and it’s been getting worse since you’ve had covid-19, please speak to your GP.

When will I get back to normal?

If you’re experiencing symptoms of Long COVID, you’re likely wondering how long it will take you to feel back to normal. It’s important to remember recovery is different for everyone. On this page, you can read about getting back to normal after having Long COVID.

How long it takes to recover from coronavirus is different for everyone. You might find you make a full recovery within 12 weeks, but you might find that your symptoms last a lot longer. There doesn’t seem to be a link between how unwell your COVID-19 infection made you and the chances of you having long- term symptoms. Some people also find that their symptoms feel better on some days and worse on others.

What symptoms you have and how you’re affected will be different from other people. Everyone’s recovery will be different and there’s no way to predict how fast you’ll be able to get back to normal. You might find it helpful to bear these tips in mind during your recovery: It’s important not to expect too much from yourself as you recover. Build up your fitness and your confidence.

Set yourself targets so that you can see little bits of progress each day. Doing too much too soon could set your recovery back, so it’s important to listen to your body. It’ll tell you if it’s tired or in pain, so rest when you need to and be prepared to work your way back to fitness gradually.